T e r m s Y o u S h o u l d K n o w
Please review the following terms before reading this manual.
batch separator | An extra label between print jobs that shows where one |
| job ends and the next one begins. |
character | A letter, number, or symbol. |
continuous | Print mode in which the printer prints all the labels in a |
job in a continuous strip, without stopping. | |
cursor | The underline symbol that shows where you are on the |
| screen. |
digits | Numbers only. |
enter | Type in data on the keyboard. |
field | An area on the supply where data prints. |
format | The arrangement of fields printed on the supply. |
offline | Entering data and printing jobs by using the printer |
| alone (without a computer). |
on demand | Print mode in which the printer peels the backing paper |
(peel) | from each label and stops to let the operator remove it |
| before printing the next label. |
online | Entering data and printing jobs by sending data from a |
| computer. |
print job | A group of tags or labels with the same data. |
queue | Jobs waiting to print (also includes the job that is |
| printing). |
supplies | Tags or labels used for printing. |