P O W E R O P T I O N S | 4 |
Your MWS was ordered with one of these power options:
uStandard 24VDC
uSymbol 24VDC
u24VDC/115VAC (uses the power inverter for AC power. The power inverter is only 115V.)
uAC/DC Output with the power inverter. The power inverter is only 115V.
Make sure all packaging material is removed from the cabinet before use.
S t a n d a r d o r S y m b o l 2 4 V D C
Black | 20 Amp |
Wires | Fuse Jumper |
| Connect, F2 |
| 20 Amp Fuse, F1 |
| BAT 2 |
Terminal Block
Green Wire | Red Stripe |
Ground to Station Floor | Wire to Terminal Block |