14 12 11 10 9 8
15 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
| 13 |
On both the Ultra and Crunch channels, this control varies the high frequency response of the amplifier. It is an active control (shelving type) and allows approximately 12 dB of boost or cut.
On both the Ultra and Crunch channels, this control varies the mid frequency response of the amplifier. It is an active control (peak/notch type) and allows approximately 12 dB of boost or cut.
On both the Ultra and Crunch channels, this control varies the low frequency response of the amplifier. It is an active control (shelving type) and allows approximately 12 dB of boost or cut.
On all three channels, this control sets the overall level of its respective channel.
On both the Ultra and Crunch channels, this controls the input volume level of the channel. Rotating this control clockwise will increase the amount of preamp distortion and sustain.
These indicators signify which channel is active. Ultra channel activation illuminates the red LED; Crunch channel activation illuminates the yellow LED; and Clean channel activation illuminates the green LED.
This control is shared by the Ultra and Crunch channels and adjusts the effectiveness of the noise gate circuitry. Noise is reduced more as the control is turned clockwise. Avoid using high settings of the noise gate when using lower gain settings, since at these settings the decay of the note will be adversely affected.