SPN • Cuando vaya a instalar soportes de pared de Peerless en bloques de hormigón de escorias, asegúrese de que cuente con una capa de concreto de un grosor mínimo de 1-3/8" (35mm) en el agujero, que pueda usar para los anclajes para concreto. ¡No taladre en juntas de argamasa! Asegúrese de hacer la instalación en la parte sólida del bloque, por lo general, a un mínimo de 1" (25mm) del extremo del bloque. Los bloques de hormigón de escorias tienen que cumplir las especificaciones de la ASTM C-90. Se sugiere utilizar un taladro eléctrico convencional a baja velocidad para hacer el agujero en vez de un taladro percutor para no perforar el fondo del agujero al entrar en un vacío o una cavidad.

Nunca fije los anclajes de expansión para concreto a una pared de concreto recubierta con yeso, yeso-cartón u otro material de acabado. Si es inevitable hacer la instalación en una superficie de concreto recubierta con una superficie de acabado (no evaluado por UL), la superficie de acabado tiene que ser escariada, como se muestra en al paso 2B-3. Asegúrese de que los anclajes para concreto no se separen del concreto cuando apriete los tornillos. El grosor del yeso o yeso-cartón no debe exceder 5/8" (16mm).


DEU • Bei der Anbringung von Peerless-Wandhaltern an Porenbetonstein muss sichergestellt werden, dass die tatsächliche Stärke des Betons, in den das Loch für die Betondübel gebohrt wird, mindestens 35mm (1 3/8 Zoll) beträgt. Bohren Sie nicht in Mörtelfugen! Achten Sie darauf, dass die Anbringung an einem massiven Teil des Blocks erfolgt, im Allgemeinen mindestens 25mm (1 Zoll) von der Blockseite entfernt. Die Porenbetonsteine müssen den Spezifikationen der ASTM-Norm C-90 entsprechen. Wir empfehlen, zum Bohren des Lochs anstelle eines Schlagbohrers einen standardmäßigen Elektrobohrer bei niedriger Einstellung zu verwenden, um zu verhindern, dass die Bohrungsrückseite beim Eintritt in einen Leer- oder Hohlraum ausbricht.

Betonspreizdübel dürfen auf keinen Fall an Beton befestigt werden, der mit Verputz, Trockenwandmaterial oder anderem Deckschichtmaterial bedeckt ist. Falls es nicht vermeiden lässt (nicht von UL geprüft), die Montage an einer Betonfläche mit Deckschicht vorzunehmen, muss wie in Schritt 2B-3 dargestellt eine Senkung in die Deckschicht gebohrt werden. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Betondübel beim Anziehen der Schrauben nicht vom Beton weg gezogen werden. Stärke der Putz-/Trockenwand darf 16mm (5/8 Zoll) nicht überschreiten.


ITL • Durante l'installazione a parete Peerless monta di scorie blocchi di cemento, assicurarsi che ha un particolare strato di spessore minimo di 1-3/8 "(35mm) nel foro, è possibile utilizzare per ancore concrete. Non trapano in giunti di malta! Accertarsi di effettuare l'installazione del blocco solido, di solito un minimo di 1" (25mm) a partire dalla fine del blocco. I blocchi in calcestruzzo di scorie devono soddisfare le specifiche di ASTM C-90. Egli suggerisce di usare un trapano elettrica convenzionale a bassa velocità per fare il buco al posto di un trapano a percussione per evitare di bucare il fondo del buco, quando entrando in un vuoto o cavità.

Non fissare mai ancoraggi ad espansione per calcestruzzo su calcestruzzo coperto con intonaco, cartongesso o altro materiale di finitura. Se non è possibile evitare il montaggio su superfici in calcestruzzo coperte con una superficie di finitura (non valutato da UL), la copertura di finitura deve essere allargata come mostrato nella passo 2B-3. Nello stringere le viti, verificare che gli ancoraggi non si allontanino dal calcestruzzo. Lo spessore dell’intonaco o del cartongesso non deve superare 5/8" (16mm).


SLK • Pri montáži nástenných držiakov Peerless na škvaro-betónové bloky skontrolujte, či skutočná hrúbka betónu v otvore, ktorý sa má použiť na ukotvenia do betónu, je 1 3/8" (35mm). Nevŕtajte do škár vyplnených maltou! Montáž vykonajte na pevnej časti bloku, všeobecne sa odporúča minimálne 1" (25mm) od okraja bloku. Škvarobetónový blok musí spĺňať špecifikácie ASTM C-90. Na vŕtanie otvorov sa namiesto príklepovej vŕtačky odporúča použiť štandardnú elektrickú vŕtačku na pomalých otáčkach, aby nedošlo k odbitiu zadnej časti bloku pri preniknutí do medzery alebo dutiny.

Nikdy nenasadzujte betónové rozširujúce konzoly na betón pokrytý sadrokartónom, suchou stenou či iným povrchovým materiálom. Ak je nevyhnutné montovať na betónové povrchy pokryté povrchovým materiálom (bez hodnotenia UL), tento povrchový materiál sa musí zahĺbiť, ako je zobrazené na kroku 2B-3. Dbajte na to, aby sa konzoly do betónu neodtiahli od betónu pri uťahovaní skrutiek.Hrúbka sadrokartónovej/suchej steny nesmie prekročiť 5/8" (16mm.)


TÜR • Brikete Peerless duvar tutacaklarını monte ederken beton tespit demirleri için kullanılacak delikte en az

1 3/8 inç (35mm) beton kalınlığı olduğundan emin olun. Harç dolgularına delik delmeyin! Briketin dolu kısmına monte edin, briketin yanından genellikle 1 inç (25mm) mesafede olmalıdır. Briketler ASTM C-90 şartlarına uygun olmalıdır. Deliği delmek için, bir boşluk ya da oyuğa girerken deliğin arkasını kırmamak için, darbeli matkap yerine düşük ayarlı standart bir elektrikli matkap kullanılması tavsiye edilir.

Asla beton genişletme demirlerini alçı, alçıpan ya da diğer kaplama malzemesi ile kaplı duvarlara takmayın, bu tür malzeme ile kaplı beton yüzeylere monte etmek gerekirse (UL tarafından değerlendirilmemiştir), yüzeyde ve adım 2B-3 gösterildiği gibi havşa açılmalıdır. Vidaları sıkarken beton demirlerini betondan dışa doğru çekmeyin. Alçı/alçı panel kalınlığı 16mm’den fazla olmamalıdır.


2012-04-23 #:203-9157-2 2012-09-18

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Peerless Industries SA761PU, SA763PU manual Advertencia

SA761PU, SA763PU specifications

Peerless Industries has long been a leader in the audiovisual mounting solutions space, and their models, the SA763PU and SA761PU, exemplify their commitment to quality and innovation. These two mounts cater to the needs of both residential and commercial applications, making them versatile choices for users looking to enhance their viewing experience.

The SA763PU is designed for ultra-large displays, supporting screens ranging from 37 inches to 75 inches. One of its standout features is its adjustment capability; it offers a full-motion design that allows users to tilt, swivel, and extend the screen. This functionality not only improves the visibility of the display in various settings but also reduces glare and unwanted reflections. The unit can hold up to 125 pounds while maintaining a sleek profile.

Equipped with a Quick-Mount system, the SA763PU simplifies installation, allowing users to mount their television quickly without the hassle often associated with traditional rigs. The system's universal mounting pattern is compatible with a wide variety of displays, ensuring that it accommodates various brands and models.

The SA761PU model, on the other hand, is perfect for smaller displays ranging from 32 inches to 55 inches and is engineered with a more compact design. It retains many of the adjustable features of the SA763PU, including a tilt function, which allows for a graceful incline to optimize viewing angles. Both models are constructed with high-quality, durable materials, guaranteeing reliability and longevity while supporting significant weight.

In terms of technology, both mounts utilize Peerless's innovative Auto-Reset feature that ensures proper leveling after installation. This offers peace of mind, particularly in environments where screens are frequently adjusted or moved.

Moreover, the elegant matte black finish found on both models seamlessly blends with any décor, making them not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, cable management systems integrated into the design help maintain a clean and organized appearance by concealing cables and wires.

In summary, the Peerless Industries SA763PU and SA761PU mounts stand out with their robust construction, user-friendly installation systems, and versatile adjustment features. They are ideal for both personal and professional use, setting a standard that reflects Peerless's commitment to quality and performance in the mounting solutions market. With these models, enhancing your viewing experience has never been easier or more stylish.