9760-Graphic User Interface Manual
Figure 3-4: Load Map and Details window.
4. Ensure the correct drive is selected in the Drives box.
5. Ensure the directory where the file is stored is selected in the Directories box (e.g., C:\Gcon).
6. Enter the name of the required file in the File Name box.
7. Click to load the file. This command also loads the *.MAP, *.ALM and *.ARE files (where * is the
name of the file loaded)
Buttons are added to maps to perform commands on the 9760 system. There are three types of buttons:
1. Camera/Macro buttons are used to select cameras, move the cameras to a preset position and
start/stop auxiliary functions on the camera.
2. Alarm buttons contain information on alarms. When an alarm is activated, the associated alarm
button flashes to illustrate to the operator which alarm has been activated.
3. Area buttons provide a quick method of selecting another map. Area buttons are illustrated on in-
stallation maps. When they are selected using the mouse, the appropriate map is instantly loaded.
3.5.1 Adding Buttons
To place a button:
1. Log on to the system using the Administrator password. The default map should appear.
2. If buttons need to be added to the map currently displayed, go to Step 4. If buttons need to be
added to another map, go to Step 3.
3. To load another map, complete Steps 3 to 6 from Loading Files.
4. Ensure Show Buttons from the Screen menu option has been selected (i.e., a checkmark will ap-
pear next to the option). All buttons will be displayed with their allocated number.
5. Select the required place option from the Buttons menu:
Place Cam/Mim to add a camera/Macro button.
Place Area to add an area button.
Place Alm to add an alarm button.
6. Place the mouse arrow in the top left most position that the button will occupy on the screen.
7. Press and hold down the left mouse button, then drag the mouse down and to the right until a
rectangle appears where the button should be located. This rectangle can be resized as long as the
left mouse button remains depressed.