Chapter Four: Operation
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2. Enter your operator PIN number in the Enter PIN window (the mouse or the keyboard can be used
to enter the number). If the Enter PIN window is not displayed on the screen, select Log In from
the Login menu option.
3. If the PIN was accepted, the Main screen (illustrated in figure 4-2) will appear. The Graphic Con-
troller program is now ready for normal operation.
4. If the PIN was not accepted, the Enter PIN window will remain on the screen. Repeat Step 2. If
access is denied again, contact your manager or security supervisor.
NOTE: If administration features are required refer to Administrator Log On.
4.2.2 Log Out
Operators should log out when they have finished using the Graphic Controller program, or if they intend
being away from the screen for a period of time.
NOTE: Only one operator can be logged on to each copy of the Graphic Controller program at a
To log out:
1. Select Log Out from the Login menu.
2. The graphic Controller Log On window (illustrated in Figure 4-1) will appear.
The Graphic Controller program is ready for use by another operator.
NOTE: If the 9760 Operation program is stopped, operators will automatically be logged out.
4.2.3 Exiting the Program
To exit the Graphic Controller program:
1. Ensure the operator has logged out (refer to Log Out).
2. Double click on the Control Menu box, or select Close from the Control Menu box, or press Alt +
The current session of the Graphic Controller program has ended. To restart the program refer to Starting
the Graphic Controller Program.