Pictures Taking
, |
| Rec. Mode |
| Recorded Pixels | 2592 1944 |
| Quality Level |
| White Balance | AWB |
| Focusing Area | Wide |
| AE Metering |
x c v b n | Sensitivity | Auto |
1/3 MENU Exit | OK Ok |
m z
Automatically Changing the Shooting Conditions (Auto bracket)
You can take pictures automatically with three different expo- sure, white balance, sharpness, saturation and contrast settings.
zPress the Menu/Fn button in Capture mode.
The [ Rec. Mode] menu will be displayed.
xPress the
cPress the
[Applied Photo] screen to select the bracket setting will be displayed.
vUse the
to select the conditions for brack- |
| Auto Bracket |
et shooting. |
| Applied Photo | Exp.Bracket |
If you selected [Sharpness], |
| Bracket Amount | ± 0.3 |
| |
[Saturation] or [Contrast], skip to |
step m. |
| MENU Exit | OK Ok |
bPress the
to select [Exp. Bracket] or [White | Auto Bracket |
Balance]. | Applied Photo | Exp.Bracket |
Go to [Bracket Amount]. | Bracket Amount | ± 0.3 |
nUse the
MENU Exit | OK Ok |