Setting the T1/E1Parameters (T1/E1 WAN only)
The parameters requred for a T1 or E1 connection may be obtained
from your service provider. These may then be entered via the T1/E1
set-up menu to configure the router for that service.
T1/E1 Selection:
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set Up
Ä Link Set Up Ä T1/E1
Set Up
Ä Link mode
T1 or E1
Set the service mode to which this P850 router will be
Service parameters:
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set Up
Ä Link Set Up Ä T1/E1
Set Up
Ä Speed/Channel rate
56/64 kbps
Ä T1/E1framing
Ä Line encoding
Select the service channel speed, framing format, and encoding
as designated by the service provider.
T1 service requires the specification of a Line Build Out factor. This
parameter modifies the transmitted signal to compensate for
degradation due to line losses between the transmitter and receiver. A
number of different options are available to meet standards for T1 long
haul (direct connection to service providers central office facility), T1
short haul (connection through a local PBX), AT&T TR64211
specification long haul and AT&T TR64211 short haul. Your service