Define an IP Static Route
Static IP routes may be defined when one specific router is to be used
to reach a destination IP network. The static route will have
precedence over all learned RIP routes even if the cost of the RIP
learned routes is lower.
7Edit Static Route
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä IP Routing Set up
Ä IP Routes
Ä Edit Route
Ä Edit Static Route
Ä Remote Site
Ä Next Hop
Ä Cost
Ä Add
Each static IP route is defined in the Edit Route
menu. The destination network IP address is
specified when you first enter the menu and then
the IP address of the next hop route and the cost
may be defined.
Once all of the static IP routes are defined they
may be viewed with the Show Static Routes command
from the IP Routes menu.
Configuration: When the IP routing protocol is set to none, the
subnet mask size must also be defined when creating a
static route entry. The subnet mask is required to allow a
static route to be created to a different IP network address.
The configuration options described here are only for initial set up and
configuration purposes. For more information on all of the configuration
parameters available please refer to the P850 PPP Menus Reference
Manual file on the accompanying CD-ROM.