Configure PPP SecurityThe P850 provides support for both PAP and CHAP PPP security
authentication. An outgoing user name, PAP password , and CHAP
secret are defined that the P850 will use when responding to an
authentication request from a remote site PPP router.
The cold start defaults for the security user name and passwords are as
follows. These defaults will exist when the P850 is first started before
and configuration is entered, and after a Full Reset has been performed.
These default values are also set when the P850 is placed in TFTP
Network load mode for upgrading the operating software via TFTP
transfers. Care should be taken when upgrading a group of P850s that
have security levels set.
Default user name is the same as the default device name.
Default PAP password and CHAP secret are both set to “none”.
The complete security configuration for both incoming and outgoing
calls is defined within the Security menu of the WAN Set up section.
7Security Level
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set up
Ä Security Set up
Ä Security Level
The security level defines the type of security that
this P850 will request when a remote site PPP
router attempts to establish a PPP connection. The
security may defined as none, PAP, or CHAP.
When a security level is defined on this P850, an entry for each remote site
PPP router that may be connected to this P850 must be placed in the
security database. The security database is used to store the user names and
passwords of the remote site PPP routers.