Special Design Features

Rugged Build


Mechanical strength has been a hallmark of Perreaux products since the




company first started production back in 1974. The concept behind the physical



design and construction is that each structural member should contribute to both



rigidity and performance.



There is a separate regulated power supply for each section of the CD player.



One positive supply and one negative supply for the sensitive analog output



stage, another one for the DAC section, another for the clock generation of the



DAC section and a further supply for the microcontroller and display. The



advantage of this is that there is complete isolation from stage to stage, ensuring



the analog section is completely free from digital noise.

Dual 20-bit


The ECD2’s precision transport is backed up by Burr Brown’s PCM1732 digital

Burr Brown


to analog converter, featuring HDCD decoding. The dual 20-bit, multi-level



Delta-Sigma operation with 8x oversampling ensures the ECD2 will deliver a



high level of audio performance.



High Definition Compatible Digital™ (HDCD®) is an encoding technique that



allows a CD to have greater dynamic range, focused 3D soundstage, reduced



distortion, and increased detail. When playing HDCD encoded discs, the ECD2



can reproduce as much as 20-bit dynamic range. HDCD discs are identified by



an HDCD logo on the package.



No user action is required to play an HDCD encoded disc. The player



automatically senses HDCD encoding and enables the necessary circuitry. The



HDCD indicator on the front panel will light to indicate that an HDCD disc is



being played.