Delete a TV Channel
aPressthe MENU button.The main menu appears.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the Bor
Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton .
cSelectthe line ’Sort channels’ with the Bor
Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
01 xxx
02 yyy
03 zzz
04 aaa
05 bbb
06 ccc
ã Exit: To move:
« press MENU press OK
dWiththe B,A,Dor Cbutton, select the TV
channelyou want to delete and press the CLEAR button.
eRepeatstep d, until you have deleted all the required
fToend, press the MENU button.
Setting the languageYoucan select the language for the on-screen display (OSD).
aPressthe MENU buttonon the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the Bor
Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
cSelectthe line ’Language’ with the Bor A
dSelectyour language with the Dor Cbutton.
eToend, press the MENU button.
Setting the time and dateaPressthe MENU buttonon the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the Bor
Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
cSelectthe line ’Set clock’ with the Bor A
buttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
Time 15:36
Year 1999
Month 06
Date 08
Smart clock ON
ã Exit:
« press MENU
dCheckthe time in line ’Time’. If required, please change
thetime with the 0-9 buttons on the remote control.
eCheck’Year’, ’Month’ and ’Date’ in thesame way.
Youcan switch between entry fields with Bor A
button.Confirm each entry with the OK button.
fToend, press the MENU button.
Automatic time and date setting(SMART CLOCK)DIfa television programme, which transmitsTELETEXT, is
storedwith programme number ’P01’, time and date will
beset automatically.
DTimewill automatically be adjusted towinter time and
aPressthe MENU buttonon the remote control. The main
menuwill appear.
bSelectthe line ’Installation’ with the Bor
Abuttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
cSelectthe line ’Set clock’ with the Bor A
buttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
dSelectthe line ’Smart clock’ with the Bor A
eSwitchthe function on with the Dor Cbutton.
fConfirmwith the OK button.
gToend, press the MENU button.