Youcan programme your set to switch off after a
aPressthe TIMERsbutton on the remote control.
bSelectline ’Sleep timer’ with the Bor A
buttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
cDeterminethe time left until switch off in 15 minutes
intervalsusing the Bor Abutton.
DYoucan switch the function off with the CLEAR
buttonon the remote control.
dConfirmwith the OK button.
eToend, press the TIMERsbutton.
Switch on function (WAKE-UP TIMER)Youcan programme your set to switch on at a predetermined
aPressthe TIMERsbutton on the remote control.
bSelectline ’Wake-up timer’ with the Bor A
buttonand confirm with the Cbutton.
cSelectthe entry field with the Dor Cbutton.
dEnterthe information with the Bor Abutton or with
thenumber buttons 0-9 .
eInthe line ’ON’, switch the function on or off.
fPressthe OK button.
gPressthe TIMERsbutton.