If,contrary to expectation, you have any problems using this
TV-VIDEOCombi, it may be caused by one of the reasons
mentionedbelow. You can also call the customer service
centreinyour country.
Youwill find the phone number in the enclosed guarantee
YourTV-VIDEO Combi does not respond to any button being
•Thereis no power supply: check the power supply
•Aprogrammed recording is currently being made: cancel the
programmedrecording with the STANDBYmbutton.
•Parentalcontrol is on: switch the parental control off.
•Continuousplayback is on: switch the continuous playback off.
•Thereis a technical problem: switch off with the 8power
switchfor 30 seconds, then switch it on again.
Cassetteis jammed in the TV-VIDEO Combi:
•Don’tuse force. Switch off with the 8power switch for a
Remotecontrol does not work:
•Remotecontrol not pointed toward the TV-VIDEO Combi: point it
atthe TV-VIDEO Combi.
•Batterieshave run out: change the batteries.
•Youhave given the wrong remote control command: read
’Switchingremote control command’ in chapter ’Additional
Nopicture when you play a cassette:
•Thereis no recording on the cassette: change the cassette.
Poorpicture quality when you play a cassette:
•Thecassette badly worn or of poor quality: use new cassette.
•Trackingis not properly adjusted or the video heads are dirty:
turnto chapter ’PLAYBACK’ and read the section ’Picture
•Youare playing a cassette with a LongPlay recording on it:
Excellentpicture quality is only guarateed with recordings made
inStandardPlay recording speed.
TheTV-VIDEO Combi will not record:
•TheTV channel you want to record is not stored or you selected
thewrong programme number: check TV channels stored.
•Youhave loaded a cassette which cannot be recorded on: undo
theerase protection on the cassette.
Programmedrecording does not work:
•Youhave not set the TIMER properly: check the TIMER blocks.
•Youhave programmed the wrong time or date: check time and
•Youhave put in a cassette that cannot be recorded on: undo the
eraseprotection on the cassette.
•’PDC’or ’VPS’ switched on but ’PDC/VPS time’ wrong: enter PDC
orVPS time exactly to the minute. Have the aerialchecked.
Recordingstarts as soon as the satellite receiver or second
videorecorder is switched on:
•Externallycontrolled recording switched on: Switch off the
externallycontrolled recording.
’SmartClock’ setting does not work:
•Youhave stored a TV channel on programme number ’P01’ that
doesnot transmit TELETEXT: On ’P01’ store a TVchannel that
•PoorTELETEXT reception: On ’P01’ store a TV channel with
goodTELETEXT reception.
•Youhave not activated the Smart Clock function: Switch the
Youhear a very short and soft noise coming fromyour
TV-VIDEOCombi at 3:00 at night:
•’SmartClock’ is checking the time: Swith off the Smart Clock
TELETEXTdoes not start at page 100:
•Youhave stored a different preferred page: Store page 100 as
Technical terms used
Currenttape position : The part of the tape currently being
Externalsource : A device connected via a socket (for
example,scart socket) which is transmitting audio/video
signalsto the TV-VIDEO Combi.
Indexmarking : A marking which is automatically made on the
tapeat the beginning of every recording. This marking
(recordingID) can be searched for with the Index search
Scartcable : Also known as a Euro-AV cable. This standard
cableis an easy method of connecting various TV, audio and
videodevices, such as a HIFI and Dolby Surround set, video
recorder,DVD player, SAT receiver, decoder, computer and
similardevices. Other signals in addition to audio and video
signalscan be transmitted on it.
TVsystem : There are various systems for transmitting
televisionsignals, for example, PAL, SECAM, PAL BG, SECAM
DK,SECAM L/L, NTSC etc. The system used by your television
dependson which country you are in.
TXT: Also knownas Teletext,Fasttext, Videotext, FLOF etc.
OTR: One touch recording. This function enables you to select
theswitch-off time in intervals of 30 minutes.
9. Before you call an engineer
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