32PF1700T_96_TC.book Page 2 Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:58 AM






3.清潔機器時請將電源線拔掉,請用濕軟布擦拭,若不易擦拭乾淨則 可用軟布沾酒精擦拭,勿用乾布,噴霧式清潔劑或有機溶劑擦拭面 板,以免刮傷或傷害液晶表面處理造成刮痕或亮度不均勻現象。不 可以使用任何方式對面板做出刮戳磨拍打撞擊等動作。

4.勿讓任何物體掉落或插入機器,並勿讓任何液體濺入機身,請勿將 本機器置於靠近水源處。



床、沙發、地毯上以免阻礙通風孔之散熱功能;另顯示器安裝於電 視櫃或牆上時,下方及左右方應保持 10 公分通風空間,正上方保持 30 公分通風空間,勿將顯示器置於狹窄空間,避免裝置於任何阻礙 空氣流動的狹窄裝潢設施內;請確保本機橫向擺放,避免順 / 逆時 針旋轉 90 度之垂直擺放方式,以免散熱不良傷害電子零件。

7.請使用機器上標示之電源電壓,若不清楚時,請向經銷商查詢以避 免發生危險。

8.為防止電擊危險,插頭要完全置入插座,本機器的電源線插頭為 3

蕊,此為安全裝置,若您的插座無法使用,請找技術人員更換插 座,切勿自行將電源線插頭之第三蕊移除,以確保安全。

9.電源線請勿靠近發熱器具,電源線上請勿上放置任何物品,亦避免 踐踏或損傷。

10.若有其他電源線與本機器使用時,請確保電流在可使用範圍內,並 注意電源插座上之總電流不要超過 12A,勿超過負載以免引起火災。

11.若在打雷,閃電天候下,請拔下插頭及卸下外接視訊盒 ( 選購 ) 之天 線端子,以免雷擊。

12.本設備依符合 FCC 電磁波 B 級標準設計,以防止電磁干擾,若有不 明干擾產生,請洽專業技術人員協助。

13.請勿長時間靜止於同一畫面,以保護螢幕及延長螢幕壽命,同一畫 面保括文字、標誌、圖形等。


15.需戴手套才可接觸破損的液晶面板,以免割傷手或接獨到液晶,若 被液晶接觸皮膚請立即用肥皂清洗,若液晶碰觸眼睛或嘴巴請立即 用水沖洗並送醫治療;顯示器內含錫鉛液晶及汞,若顯示器需廢棄 處理時,請依當地法律及規定處理廢棄物。

16.機器若發生故障時,請找合格之技術人員維修或聯絡 客服專線0800-231099,切勿自行打開外殼修理,以免發生危險。







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Philips 32PF1700T/96 manual 安全使用說明

32PF1700T/96 specifications

The Philips 32PF1700T/96 is a versatile 32-inch flat-screen television that combines innovative technology with sleek design, making it a suitable addition to any living space. This model is part of Philips’ widely recognized range of televisions, which are known for their quality and advanced features.

One of the standout characteristics of the Philips 32PF1700T/96 is its stunning display quality. The LCD panel provides a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, ensuring that users enjoy sharp, vibrant visuals. The use of pixel processing technology allows for enhanced picture clarity, delivering solid performance for both standard and high-definition content. This television is equipped with Philips’ Pixel Plus technology, which optimizes image quality to provide better detail and depth, improving the viewing experience whether you’re watching movies or playing video games.

This model also boasts impressive sound capabilities. The built-in 2 x 5W speakers deliver clear and well-balanced audio, ensuring that dialogues and effects are heard distinctly. The Sound Surround feature enhances the immersive experience by creating a more spacious sound environment, making it feel as though you are part of the action.

In terms of connectivity, the Philips 32PF1700T/96 offers a range of options to cater to modern home entertainment needs. It comes with multiple HDMI ports, allowing users to easily connect external devices such as gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and streaming devices. Additionally, the inclusion of a USB port enables the playback of multimedia files directly from USB drives, adding convenience for users looking to access their favorite content quickly.

Energy efficiency is another critical feature of this model. The Philips 32PF1700T/96 is designed to consume less power compared to older television models, contributing to a reduced carbon footprint and lower electricity bills.

Moreover, its slim design and sleek bezel make it a stylish choice for any room. The television can be mounted on a wall or placed on a stand, offering flexibility in how it can be displayed.

In conclusion, the Philips 32PF1700T/96 is a well-rounded television that offers a blend of excellent picture and sound quality, versatile connectivity options, and stylish design, making it a solid choice for both casual viewers and dedicated cinephiles alike.