Band available, you can only watch the channels that don't need
decoding and the channel you are recording.
For more information, press the colour key Keywords and
look up Smart Card, CAM.
Watch a RecordingTo watch a recording…
1 - Press HOME to open the Home menu.
2 - Click Apps and click Recordings.
3 - In the list, select the recording and press OK to start the
playback. You can use the (Forward), (Rewind), (Pause)
or (Stop) keys on the remote control.
Broadcasters can limit the number of days a recording can be
viewed. A recording in the list can show the number of days
before it expires.
When a scheduled recording was prevented by the broadcaster
or when the broadcast was interrupted, a recording is marked as
To delete a recording…
1 - Select the recording in the List of Recordings
2 - Press Remove or Delete.