Philips Lifeline 6900/6800/AT Series User’s Manual
28 Your Personal Help Button
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I wear my Personal Help Button in the shower or
Yes! The Personal Help Button is completely waterproof, and we
ask that you wear it at all times whenever you are in your home.
The bathroom is a high-risk area where people often slip and fall.
But please note that the Personal Help Button cannot send
a signal when it is fully submerged under water.
Can I wear my Personal Help Button in bed?
Yes! We ask that you wear your Personal Help Button at all times
whenever you are in your home. The button was designed to
provide adequate protection against going off inadvertently, even
if you roll over on it.
What if I accidentally press my Personal Help Button?
If you accidentally press your Personal Help Button, a Lifeline
Personal Response Associate will respond to your call to make
sure that everything is okay. Just tell the Personal Response
Associate that it was pressed accidentally and that you do not
need assistance. Don’t be concerned that you are bothering
Lifeline; we just want to be sure that you are alright.
Do I use the Personal Help Button to speak with Lifeline?
No, the button is not the microphone. You do not speak into it.
Rather, the button sends a signal to the Communicator, and the
Communicator calls Lifeline. You speak to the Lifeline Personal
Response Associate through your Communicator unit.