1 Ensure all the req uired cables are
connected to this Home Theater System
and close the rear cove r.
2 Attach the tab le stand bracket to the r ear
of this Home Theate r System.
A lign the arrow indicato rs for •
correct posi tioning and placement .
Us e the protrude panels to h old the •
table stand br acket.
Mount the main unit Caution
R isk of personal inju ry and damage to th e •
product. Al low only quali ed persons to
mount the produ ct.
1 Ensure all the req uired cables are
connected to the ma in unit and close the
rear cover.
2 Attach the big wal l mount bracket to the
table stand br acket with screws.
3 Position the bracke ts on the wall, drill
four screw holes and secu re the brackets
onto the wall with s crews (not supplied).
Connect power cord Warning
R isk of product dama ge! Ensure that the •
power supply volt age corresponds t o the
voltage print ed on the back or the unde rside
of the product .
1 Connect the powe r cord to the power
outlet when all t he required connec tions
are done.
This product is ready to be set up for »
Attach table stand A = table stand br acket.
Align Arrow
With table Stand
Align Arrow
With table Stand