About Progressive Scan Consum ers should note that not all h igh
de nitio n television sets are fu lly compatible
with this produ ct and may cause arti facts to
be displayed in the pic ture. In case of 525
or 625 progressive s can picture proble ms,
it is recommende d that the user switch th e
connection to th e ‘standard de nition’ output.
If there are ques tions regarding our T V set
compatibility w ith this model 525p and 625p
DVD player, please contac t our customer
service cente r.
Disposal of your old product and batteries Your produc t is designed and manufac tured
with high quali ty materials and compo nents,
which can be recycl ed and reused.
When t his crossed-out whe eled bin symbol
is attached to a pr oduct it means that th e
product is covere d by the European Direc tive
2002/96/EC . Please inform yourse lf about the
local separate co llection system fo r electrical
and electroni c products.
Pleas e act according to your local r ules and
do not dispose of your old pr oducts with your
normal household waste.
Corr ect disposal of your old pr oduct helps to
prevent potentia l negative consequences fo r
the environmen t and human health.
Your produc t contains batteri es covered by
the European Dir ective 2006/66/EC , which
cannot be disposed w ith normal household
Pleas e inform yourself abou t the local rules
on separate colle ction of batterie s because
correct disp osal helps to prevent nega tive
consequences for the e nvironmental and
human health.