[Sleep Timer]
Switches to stand by automatically afte r the
preset time.
[15 mins] , [30 mins] , [45 mins] , [60 mins]
– Selects the cou nt down time before
the Home Theate r System switches to
[Off] – Disables sleep timer mod e.
[Low Power Standby]
Turns off or on the low power s tandby mode.
Reduces power consum ption in standby
[On] – Sets the st andby mode to low
[Off] – Sets the standby mode to n ormal
[DivX(R) VOD Code]
Displays the DivX® regi stration code.
Enter this Hom e Theater System Di vX
registrat ion code when you rent o r purchase
video from ww w.divx.com/v od. The DivX
videos rented o r purchased throu gh the
DivX® VOD (Video On D emand) servi ce
can be played only on t he device to which it is
You must turn on the H DMI CEC operat ions
on the TV/devices be fore you can enjoy the
EasyLink cont rols. See the TV/de vices manual
for details.
Philips doe s not guarantee 100 %
interopera bility with all H DMI CEC compliant
[Disc Lock]
Sets play restr iction for a speci c discs.
Before you star t, place the disc in the d isc
compartme nt (maximum 40 discs can be
[Lock] – Restricts acces s to the current
disc. Once activ ated, a password is
needed to unlock and p lay the disc.
[Unlock] – Plays all discs.
You can set or change the p assword (see
‘Adjust setting s’ > ‘Preferences’ > [Password] ).
[Display Dim]
Changes the brigh tness level of the display
panel on this Home T heater System.
[100%] – Normal brightness.
[70%] – Medium brightness.
[40%] – Dimmest display.
[OSD Langu age]
Selects the de fault on-screen men u language.
[Screen Saver]
Turns off or on the scree n saver mode. Helps
to protect the T V screen from being dam aged
due to over exposure to a s tatic image for too
[On] – Sets the scre en saver to appear
after 15 minutes of inac tivity (for
example, in pause or stop mode).
[Off] – Disables screen saver mod e.