High-bandwidth Digi tal Content Protect ion.
This is a speci cation that provides a secure
transmissio n of digital contents bet ween
different dev ices (to prevent unauthor ized
High-De nition Multimed ia Interface (HDM I)
is a high-speed digi tal interface tha t can
transmit unco mpressed high de nition video
and digital mul tichannel audio. It del ivers high
quality pict ure and sound qualit y, completely
free from noise . HDMI is fully backwar d-
compatible wit h DVI.
As required by the HDMI st andard,
connecting to HD MI or DVI products wi thout
HDCP (High-ba ndwidth Digital Co ntent
Protection) will re sult in no Video or Audio


A very common digital st ill picture format .
A still-pic ture data compressi on system
proposed by the Join t Photographic Expe rt
Group, which featur es small decrease in ima ge
quality in spi te of its high compression r atio.
Files are recogni zed by their  l e extension
‘.jpg’ or ‘. jpeg.’
11 Glossary


Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to t he length to height
ratio of TV scre ens. The ratio of a st andard
TV is 4:3, while the ratio of a high-de nition
or wide TV is 16:9. The let ter box allows you
to enjoy a picture wi th a wider perspec tive on
a standard 4:3 sc reen.


The DivX® codec is a patent-pending,
MPEG-4 bas ed video compression te chnology
developed by DivX®, Inc. It ca n shrink the  le
size of digital vide o and still maintain th e high
visual quality.
Dolby Digital
A surround sound system de veloped by Dolby
Laborator ies that contains up to six cha nnels
of digital audio (fro nt left and right, su rround
left and right , center and subwoofer.)
Digital Theatre Syste ms. A surround soun d
system for provi ding 5.1 channels of discrete
digital audio in co nsumer electroni cs products
and softwar e content. It is not develop ed by
Dolby Digital.