Telephone troubleshooting
Problem | Cause | Solution |
The line is bad and the A | The handset has reached its radio range | Move closer to the base station |
symbol is displayed. | limit. | and try again. |
The handset emits an alert | An outside call is in progress on another | Wait for the call to end and try |
beep when you try to make | handset. | again. |
an outside call. |
| The Asymbol is displayed. The handset | Move closer to the base station |
| is out of range of the base station. | and try again. |
| The Asymbol is displayed. The handset | Register the handset with the |
| is not registered with the base station. | base station and try again. |
| Another handset is using menu mode | Wait for the other handset to |
| and the base station is busy. | leave menu mode and try again. |
The handset emits an alert | The handset you are trying to reach may | Wait for the other handset to |
beep when you try to make | be busy in an another call or out of range. | become available and try again. |
an internal call. |
Your caller's number is not | You have not subscribed to the service. | Contact your telephone operator. |
displayed when you |
receive an incoming call. |
Your installation is not compatible with your Oniso/ Oniso Memo.
Contact your installer or your telephone operator.
30 | Useful tips and maintenance |