4.1 Prieð pradedant


Prijungimai neturëtø bûti padaryti prieð kabinant televizoriø, taèiau laidai turi bûti prijungti prie atitinkamø lizdø televizoriaus korpuse.

4.2 Antenos prijungimas

Tvirtai prijunkite antenà á 75 ￿ ￿ lizdà televizoriaus apatinëje dalyje bei á antenos lizdà sienoje.

televizoriaus gale esanèios jungtys (nukreiptos þemyn)

Ásitikinkite, kad elektros átampa jûsø namuose atitinka átampà, kuri yra nurodyta ant lipduko televizoriaus galinëje dalyje.


Jeigu jûsø televizorius pakabintas ant besisukanèio stovo, tokiu atveju bûtinai ásitikinkite, kad elektros laidas nëra átemptas. Laido átempimas gali sukelti sujungimo problemø arba net sukelti gaisrà.

4.4 Televizoriaus ájungimas

Norëdami ájungti televizoriø, paspauskite POWER mygtukà televizoriaus ðone arba mygtukas esanèius virðuje. Mëlynas/ þalias indikatorius uþsidega, o po keleto sekundþiø uþsidega televizoriaus ekranas.

Jei televizorius pasilieka budëjimo reþime (raudonas indikatorius), spauskite PROGRAM +/– mygtukus ðone arba virðuje, arba P +/– mygtukus nuotolinio valdymo pultelyje.

4.Spauskite ￿, kad pasiektumëte pasirinktà reþimà.

5.Su ￿ ￿ mygtukais pasirinkite PC arba HD reþimà.

6.Jeigu norite sugráþti á buvusá reþimà, spauskite ￿.

7.Jeigu norite iðeiti ið meniu, spauskiteMENU/TV.

31.4Ekrano (áprastai 1080) funkcijos pasirinkimas ið Features (funkcijø) meniu


Ði Display (native 1080) funkcija taikoma tik 1080p modeliams.

Kai jûs prijungiate HD (aukðtos raiðkos) árenginius (HDMI arba Y, Pb, Pr), kurie palaiko 1080i rezoliucijà. Funkcijø meniu (Features) atsiras Display (native 1080) galimybë. Taigi jûs galësite matyti vaizdà originaliu HD formatu (tik 1080i). Tai tikra HD rezoliucija ið jûsø ávesties signalø.

6.Spauskite ￿ ￿, kad pasirinktumëte On/Off galimybæ (ájungti/ iðjungti). Jeigu pasirinksite On (ájungti), galësite matyti vaizdà originaliu HD formatu (tik 1080i).

7.Jeigu norite sugráþti á buvusá reþimà, spauskite ￿.

8.Jeigu norite iðeiti ið meniu, spauskite


31.5 Tinkami ávesties formatai

Tik 20" modeliai

4.3Prijungimas ir atjungimas nuo elektros tinklo

(Plazminis TV) – DËMESIO: tai 1 klasës árenginys. Jis privalo bûti jungiamas prie elektros tinklo su áþeminimu.

Elektros laidas naudojamas visiðkam televizoriaus iðjungimui.

Ásitikinkite, kad elektros laidas pilnai ákiðtas á televizoriaus lizdà ir á elektros lizdà.

Jeigu norite pilnai atjungti televizoriø, iðtraukite elektros laidà ið televizoriuje esanèio lizdo arba iðtraukite laidà ið elektros rozetës.

4.5Naudojimasis nuotolinio valdymo pulteliu

Ádëkite dvi baterijas (pridedamos). Ásitikinkite, kad

(+)ir (-) poliðkumas atitinka nurodytà baterijø skyrelio viduje.

1.Spauskite MENU/TV mygtukà.

2.Pakartotinai spauskite ￿ ￿ mygtukus, kol pasirinksite Features, ir tada spauskite ￿/ OK, kad patektumëte á ðá meniu.

3.Spauskite ￿, kad pasirinktumëte Display (ekranas).

4.Spauskite ￿, kad pasiektumëte Display (ekrano) reþimà.

5.Du kartus spauskite ￿ mygtukà, kad pasiektumëte native 1080 ájungimo/iðjungimo galimybæ (On/Off).
















Visi modeliai iðskyrus 20"

























SD (Standard definition) standartas skirtas tik YPbPr sujungimui.


Jûsø Philips televizorius atitinka HDMI standartus. Jeigu vis dëlto vaizdas rodomas per televizoriø nëra kokybiðkas, pakeiskite vaizdo formatà á standartiná prijungtame árenginyje (DVD grotuve, set-top dëþutëje, ir t.t.). Pavyzdþiui, DVD grotuve pasirinkite, 720p,1080i arba 1080p.

Tai nëra televizoriaus árangos defektas.



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Philips PFL3512 manual Televizoriaus Naudojimas HD Reþime

PFL3512 specifications

The Philips PFL3512 is a notable model in the company's acclaimed line of television sets, designed to cater to the contemporary viewer's needs with an exceptional blend of performance, style, and advanced technology. This model underscores Philips' commitment to delivering high-quality viewing experiences while integrating innovative features.

One of the standout characteristics of the PFL3512 is its stunning Full HD resolution. With 1920x1080 pixels, this television ensures that every display is crisp and vibrant, whether watching your favorite TV shows, films, or sports. The clarity provided by the Full HD display elevates the viewing experience and makes every scene come to life.

The PFL3512 employs Ambilight technology, a unique feature that enhances the immersive experience by projecting colors from the edges of the television onto the surrounding wall. This optical illusion creates a broader sense of space while simultaneously reducing eye strain and making the viewing experience more comfortable. The ability to choose the Ambilight setting adds a personal touch to the aesthetic of your living space.

Another vital component of the PFL3512 is its LED backlighting. This technology provides a brighter picture with more vivid colors while maintaining energy efficiency. The enhanced brightness level ensures that images remain clear even in well-lit rooms, making this model versatile for different viewing environments.

Sound quality is paramount, and the PFL3512 won't disappoint. Equipped with advanced audio technology, this television produces dynamic sound with deep bass and clear dialogue. This makes the experience of watching movies or listening to music more enjoyable and engaging.

Connectivity is another strong point for the PFL3512. This model comes with multiple HDMI and USB ports, allowing users to connect various devices, from gaming consoles to Blu-ray players. This connectivity ensures that users can easily switch between different media sources without hassle.

Lastly, the sleek and modern design of the Philips PFL3512 complements any interior decor. Its thin bezels and elegant stand make it a stylish addition to your home while optimizing space usage.

In summary, the Philips PFL3512 is a well-rounded television that combines Full HD quality, Ambilight technology, LED backlighting, superior sound, and excellent connectivity options, packaged in a stylish design. It stands as a testament to Philips' dedication to enhancing home entertainment.