Mechanical Instructions EN 13Q549.2E LA 4.
1. Remove the Main Supply Panel as earlier described.
2. Remove the stand [1] and its subframe [2].
3. Now you gain access the IR & LED board.
When defective, replace the whole unit.
4.3.6 Piezo Touch Control Panel
The flexfoil between Piezo Flexfoil Assy (mounted on the
plastic rim of the set), and the PWB as described below, is
extremely vulnerable. Do not pull hard at the PWB or
Once the flexfoil has been damaged, the entire plastic rim
of the set (with the touch-control pads) has to be swapped!
The Piezo Touch Control Panel PWB contains ESD sensitive
components, implying that necessary industrial ESD
precautions must be taken during removing or remounting.
Refer to Figure4-7, Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 for details.
Figure 4-7 Piezo Touch Control Panel -1-
1. Gently pull the bottom side of the PWB out of the cabinet
until you can unplug the connector [1].
Figure 4-8 Piezo Touch Control Panel -2-
1. Now gently pull the top side of the PWB out of the cabinet
without damaging the flexfoil until you can unplug the
connector [2].
Figure 4-9 Piezo Touch Control Panel -3-
1. To unplug the flexfoil connector, first the outer part of the
connector has to be moved upwards [3], before this part
can be turned sidewards [4] as shown in the picture. Now
the flexfoil can be removed from the connector and the
PWB can be taken out of the set.
When defective, replace the whole unit.
4.3.7 Small Signal Board (SSB)
Caution: It is mandatory to remount screws at their original
position during re-assembly. Failure to do so may result in
damaging the SSB.
1. Remove the Wi-Fi module that is mounted on the SSB.
2. Unplug all connectors.
3. Remove the screws that secure the board.
4. The SSB can now be taken out of the set.
4.3.8 LCD Panel
Refer to Figure4-10 and Figure 4-11 for d etails.
1. Remove the Piezo Touch Control Panel PWB as earlier
2. Remove the AL covers as earlier described.
3. Remove both Main Supply Panel and SSB as earlier
4. Remove the subframes of Main Power Supply and SSB [1].
5. Remove both AL subframes (with the AL unit still mounted
on it) by unplugging the connector [2] and removing the
screws [3].
6. Remove all remaining adhesive tapes and remove all
cables from their clamps.
7. Carefully remove the conducting tape [4], it must be re-
used during re-assembly!
8. Remove the remaining screws (indicated with an arrow)
that hold the plastic rim and remove the rim.
9. Now the LCD Panel can be lifted from the front cabinet.
The panel has to be slided downwards once it has been
lifted, because the brackets on the top cannot be removed
from the cabinet. You will see a conducting foam between
metal front and panel, near the location of the Piezo Touch
Control Panel.
When mounting a new LCD Panel:
1. Check if this conducting foam between panel and metal
front is in place !
2. Re-attach the conducting tape between LCD Panel and
metal rim [4] !