Precautions, Notes, and Abbreviation List EN 9Q549.2E LA 3.
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QRC Quasi Resonant Converter
QTNR Quality Temporal Noise Reduction
QVCP Quality Video Composition Processor
RAM Random Access Memory
RGB Red, Green, and Blue. The primary
color signals for TV. By mixing levels
of R, G, and B, all colors (Y/C) are
RC Remote Control
RC5 / RC6 Signal protocol from the remote
control receiver
ROM Read Only Memory
RSDS Reduced Swing Differential Signalling
data interface
R-TXT Red TeleteXT
SAM Service Alignment Mode
S/C Short Circuit
SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs
d'Appareils Radiorécepteurs et
SCL Serial Clock I2C
SCL-F CLock Signal on Fast I2C bus
SD Standard Definition
SDA Serial Data I2C
SDA-F DAta Signal on Fast I2C bus
SDI Serial Digital Interface, see “IT U-656”
SDRAM Synchronous DRAM
SECAM SEequence Couleur Avec Mémoire.
Color system mainly used in France
and East Europe. Color carriers=
4.406250 MHz and 4.250000 MHz
SIF Sound Intermediate Frequency
SMPS Switched Mode Power Supply
SoC System on Chip
SOG Sync On Green
SOPS Self Oscillating Power Supply
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface bus; a 4-
wire synchronous serial data link
S/PDIF Sony Philips Digital InterFace
SRP Service Reference Protocol
SSB Small Signal Board
SVGA 800 × 600 (4:3)
SVHS Super Video Home System
SW Software
SWAN Spatial temporal Weighted Averaging
Noise reduction
SXGA 1280 × 1024
TFT Thin Film Transistor
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TMDS Transmission Minimized Differential
TXT TeleteXT
TXT-DW Dual Window with TeleteXT
UI User Interface
uP Microprocessor
UXGA 1600 × 1200 (4:3)
V V-sync to the module
VESA Video Electronics Standards
VGA 640× 480 (4:3)
VL Variable Level out: processed audio
output toward external amplifier
VSB Vestigial Side Band; modulation
WYSIWYR What You See Is What You Record:
record selection that follows main
picture and sound
WXGA 1 280 × 768 (15:9)
XTAL Quartz crystal
XGA 1024× 768 (4:3)
Y Luminance signal
Y/C Luminance (Y) and Chrominance (C)
YPbPr Component video. Luminance and
scaled color difference signals (B-Y
and R-Y)
YUV Component video