Philips SA075104K, SA075116K, SA075108K quick start Listen to FM radio, Settings, 222Tap

Models: SA075104K SA075108K SA075116K SA075

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Listen to FM radio

SA075 automatically searches for FM radio stations, then saves the first 20 strongest frequencies under the presets.

111From the main menu, tap to enter radio mode. »»SA075 starts to play the last played preset.

•• Tap to select any of the preset numbers in the list.

•• To exit and return to the main menu, tap HOME.


This is how you customize SA075:

111From the main menu, tap to enter settings mode.



to navigate in a list.

•• Tap


to enter sub menu (when available).

333Tap to confirm a selection and go to the next level (when available).

•• To go back to previous screen, tap .

•• To exit and return to the main menu, tap HOME.


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Philips SA075104K, SA075116K, SA075108K quick start Listen to FM radio, Settings, 222Tap