ThunderBird AvengerTM PCI Audio SAA7785
Philips Semiconductors Preliminary Specification
1999 Nov 12 46
TABLE 31 DMA Channel B Base Address Register - DMABBASE (RW)
5:4 DMAABASE RW DMA channel A programmable base address, bits 5:4. These bits select a
channel number for this channel. In LAM DMAABASE[5:4] select the channel
number that this DMA represents, it should be different than DMAB-
3 R RO Reserved. This bit must always be zero.
2:1 XFRSIZ RW DMA transfer size.
00 = reserved
10 = double word
11 = reserved
01 = reserved
0 DDMAAEN RW DDMA channel A enable. This DDMA channel is enabled when this bit is set
to a one.
PCI CFG 0 D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24
Offset 42h DMABBASE[15:8]
POR Value00000000
D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
POR Value00000000
Bit Name R/W Function
15:7 DMABBASE RW DMA channel B programmable base address. Normally this base is set the
same as DMA channel A except for DMABBASE[5:4] which select the chan-
nel number. This is a requirement of some PC chipsets, future chipsets may
eliminate this requirement. In LAM DMABBASE[5:4] select the channel num-
ber that this DMA represents, it should be different than DMAABASE[5:4].
6 R RO Reserved. This bit must always be zero.
5:4 DMABBASE RW DMA channel B programmable base address, bits 5:4. These bits select a
channel number for this channel. In LAM DMABBASE[5:4] select the channel
number that this DMA represents, it should be different than DMAA-
3:1 R RO Reserved. These bits must always be zeros.
0 DDMABEN RW DMA channel B enable. This DDMA channel is enabled when this bit is set to
a one.
Bit Name R/W Function