9397 750 13022 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Preliminary data sheet Rev. 02 — 26 April 2004 11 of 27
Philips Semiconductors TEA5880TS
Integrated FM stereo radio IC for host processor tuning
[1] The frequency is decreased when increasing the content of this register (more capacitors).
Table 12: CTRL_B - (address 4h) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
14 to 11 - address bits
10 L_CNT latch counter: a transition from logic 1 to logic 0 will latch the
COUNTERregister into the PISO (reading thePISO hereafter will read
the COUNTER register)
9 L_STS latch status: a transition from logic 1 to logic 0 will latch the STATUS
registerinto the PISO (reading the PISO hereafter will read the STATUS
8 to 6 - reserved for output level control; should be written with 4 (100b);
see Table13
5 DEEMP de-emphasis: logic 1 is 75 µs (USA), logic 0 is 50µs (Europe, Japan)
4 PISO_CLR a transition from logic 1 to logic 0 will clear the PISO; the PISO should
be clear before reading the STATUS/COUNTER register
3 CNT_RST atransition from logic 1 to logic 0 will clear both counter 1 and counter 2
2 CNT1_EN counter 1 enabled (counting mode) when set to logic 1
1 - should be written to logic 0
0 MONO mono mode when set to logic 1, stereo mode when set to logic 0
Table 13: Description of output level control register bits
Value Decimal Output level
0000b 0 12 mV
0001b 1 20 mV
0010b 2 35 mV
0011b 3 60 mV
0100b 4 100 mV
0101b 5 170 mV
0110b 6 200 mV
Table 14: CAP_FM - (address 5h) bit description[1]
Bit Symbol Description
14 to 11 - address bits
10 - reserved for capacitor extra current; this bit should be written to logic 1
by any access to the CAP_FM to ensure that the device functions
9 to 8 - reserved, should be written to logic 0
7 to 0 FC[7:0] FM capacitor bank switches for adjusting the FM (RF) frequency in big
steps. Every bit, when set, will switch on a capacitor with a weight
according to its position i.e. bit 0 has weight 1, bit 1 has weight 2, bit 2
hasweight 4 etc, bit 6 has weight 64, except for bit 7, which also has the
same weight as bit 6; there is thus only 71⁄2 effective bits; this means
thatthe value range 0 to 127 will switch on different capacitors the value
range 128 to 191 switches on the same capacitors as range 64 to 127,
the value range 192 to 255 will switch on different capacitors (an
overlapped range of 64 values caused when FC[7:6] = 01b or 10b)