9397 750 13022 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Preliminary data sheet Rev. 02 — 26 April 2004 17 of 27
Philips Semiconductors TEA5880TS
Integrated FM stereo radio IC for host processor tuning
10. Limiting values[1] Machine model (R = 10Ω, C = 200 pF, 75 µH).
[2] Human body model (R = 1.5 kΩ, C = 100 pF).
11. Thermal characteristics12. CharacteristicsTable 19: Limiting values
In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit
VCCD digital supply voltage −0.3 +5 V
VCCA analog supply voltage −0.3 +8 V
Tstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C
Tamb ambient temperature VCCA = VCC(VCO) = VCCD = 3 V −10 +75 °C
VCCA = VCC(VCO) = VCCD = 5 V −40 +85 °C
Vesd electrostaticdischarge voltage
for all pins
[1] −200 +200 V
[2] −2000 +2000 V
Table 20: Thermal characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ Unit
Rth(j-a) thermal resistancefrom junction to ambient in free air <tbd> K/W
Table 21: Digital input AC values
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Digital inputs
VIH HIGH-level input voltage IOH = 500µA 1.4 - - V
VIL LOW-level input voltage - - 0.6 V
Digital outputs
Isink (L) LOW-level sink current 500 - - µA
VOL LOW-level output voltage IOL = 500 µA - - 0.6 V
fclk clock input - - 1 MHz
tCLK(H) clock HIGH time 495 - - ns
tCLK(L) clock LOW time 495 - - ns