Special functions on your video recorder
Philipshas developed a system which produces the best possible playback
quality.It reduces disturbance on old, worn video cassettes, and emphasises
thedetail on very good quality cassettes.
Whenyou connect your video recorder to your television and plug it into the
mains,you will be welcomed with an OSD picture. All you have to do is follow
theinstructions in the "intelligent help line" for the next step. Enjoy the Automatic
TVchannel search/save function and theautomatic time adjustment.
Weguarantee that your video recorder will switch to the new millennium with
noproblems whatsoever.
Recordingsmade on your video recorder can be controlled by an external
Simpleprogramming system for video recorders. Makes programming as easy
asmaking a telephone call. Simply enter the programme code which you will
findin your listings magazine.
Theprecision tape drive from Philips with short rewind times and automatic
tapelength recognition.