2Use the buttons ==PP--or ;;PP++to select the
programme number, under which your video
recorder has stored the desired TV channel
SSttaarrttiinngg rreeccoorrddiinngg mmaannuuaallllyy//ssttooppppiinngg aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy
1Insert a cassette without erase protection
3Press the Record button nseveral times.The
time faded in corresponds to the duration of
recording to be selected.Each time the Record
button is pressed again this is increased in
regular steps. Stop pressing the Record
button nwhen you have reached the desired
duration. Recording will start.
88II ccaanntt ffiinndd tthhee TTVV cchhaannnneellss ffrroomm mmyy ssaatteelllliittee
88II wwaanntt ttoo rreeccoorrdd ffrroomm aann aaddddiittiioonnaall ddeevviiccee
44Signals from additional devices - such as a
camcorder, other video recorder, PCs, etc. - are
received via the scart socket of the video recorder.
The programme numbers E1 and E2 are
allocated for these sources.
SSeelleeccttiinngg tthhee rreeccoorrddiinngg ssppeeeedd
You have the option of two playback and recording
speeds: Standard Play (SP) offers the usual first-class
picture quality.By using Long Play (LP), you can (with
somewhat reduced picture quality) for example record
about 360 minutes of programmes on a 180 minute
cassette.This chapter explains how to set the desired
recording speed (Selecting the recording speed). FFOORR
WWhhaatt iiss eerraassee pprrootteeccttiioonn??
VHS cassettes can be protected from over-recording by
breaking off a thin strip of plastic (arrow).This erase
protection can be overridden by sticking one or more
strips of adhesive tape tightly over the gap which has
been created. PPAARRDDOONN??
DDeelleettee eennttrryy
The recording period displayed can be reset to
00:00:00 with the CCLLbutton.