The function of this book is to provide the user of the
Stamford generator with an understanding of the
principles of operation, the criteria for which the generator
has been designed, and the installation and maintenance
procedures. Specific areas where the lack of care or use
of incorrect procedures could lead to equipment damage
and/or personal injury are highlighted, with WARNING
and/or CAUTION notes, and it is important that the
contents of this book are read and understood before
proceeding to fit or use the generator.
STAMFORD Service, Sales and Technical staff of are
always ready to assist and reference to the company for
advice is welcomed.
Incorrect installation, operation,
servicing or replacement of parts can
result in severe personal injury or
death, and/or equipment damage.
Service personnel must be qualified
to perform electrical and mechanical
All Stamford generators are supplied with a declaration of
incorporation for the relevant EC legislation, typically in
the form of a label as below.
Under the EC Machinery Directive section 1.7.4. It is the
responsibility of the generator set builder to ensure the
generator identity is clearly displayed on the front cover
of this book.
Additional Information
European Union
Council Directive 89/336/EEC
For installations within the European Union, electrical
products must meet the requirements of the above
directive, and STAMFORD ac generators are supplied on
the basis that:
• They are to be used for power-generation or related
• They are to be applied in one of the following
Portable (open construction - temporary site supply)
Portable (enclosed - temporary site supply)
Containerised (temporary or permanent site supply)
Ship-borne below decks (marine auxiliary power)
Commercial vehicle (road transport / refrigeration
etc) Rail transport (auxiliary power)
Industrial vehicle (earthmoving, cranes etc)
Fixed installation (industrial - factory / process plant)
Fixed installation (residential, commercial and light
industrial - home / office / health)
Energy management (Combined heat and power
and/or peak lopping)
Alternative energy schemes.
• The standard generators are designed to meet the
‘industrial’ emissions and immunity standards.
Where the generator is required to meet the
residential, commercial and light industrial emissions
and immunity standards reference should be made
to document reference N4/X/011, as additional
equipment may be required.
• The installation earth ing scheme involves connection
of the generator frame to the site protective earth
conductor using a minimum practical lead length.
• Maintenance and servicing with anything other than
factory supplied genuine STAMFORD parts will
invalidate warranty and our liability for EMC
• Installation, maintenance and servicing is carried out
by adequately trained personnel fully aware of the
requirements of the relevant EC directives