The UC22/27 range of generators is of brushless rotating field
design, available up to 660V/50Hz (1500 rpm) or 60Hz (1800
rpm), and built to meet BS5000 Part 3 and international
All the UC22/27 range are self-excited with excitation power
derived from the main output windings, using either the
SX460/SX440/SX421 AVR. The UC22 is also available with
specific windings and a transformer controlled excitation
A permanent magnet generator (PMG) powered excitation
system is available as an option using either the MX341 or
MX321 AVR.
Detailed specification sheets are available on request.
Each generator is metal stamped with it’s own unique serial
number, the location of this number is described below.
UCI and UCM generators have their serial number stamped
into the upper section of the drive end frame to end bracket
adaptor ring, shown as item 31 in the parts lists at the back of
this book.
UCD generators have their serial number stamped into the
top of the drive end adaptor /fan shroud casting. If for any
reason this casting is removed, it is imperative that care is
taken to refit it to the correct generator to ensure correct
identification is retained.
Inside the terminal box two adhesive rectangular labels have
been fixed, each carrying the generators unique identity
number. One label has been fixed to the inside of the terminal
box sheet metal work, and the second label fixed to the main
frame of the generator.
The generator has been supplied with a self adhesive rating
plate label to enable fitting after final assembly and painting.
It is intended that this label will be stuck to the outside of the
terminal box on the left hand side when viewed from the
N.D.E. To assist with squarely positioning the label, location
protrusions have been made in the sheet metalwork.
A CE Mark label is also supplied loose for fitment after final
assembly and painting. This should be attached to an external
surface of the Generator at a suitable location where it will not
be obscured by the customer's wiring or other fittings.
The surface in the area where a label is to be stuck must be
flat, clean, and any paint finish be fully dry before attempting
to attach label. Recommended method for attaching label is
peel and fold back sufficient of the backing paper to expose
some 20 mm of label adhesive along the edge which is to be
located against the sheet metal protrusions. Once this first
section of label has been carefully located and stuck into
position the backing paper can be progressively removed, as
the label is pressed down into position. The adhesive will
achieve a permanent bond in 24 hours.