(c) 2004 Displayed in line 2 when the message ‘M/A-COM’ is displayed in line 1 while
displaying different items under the menu when “REVISION” is selected by the
EM Emergency Indicates an emergency has been declared by the LID that follows the display,
“EM.” An example of this is “EM 01201.”
*INDV* Individual Call Displayed in line 2 of the display when an individual call is in progress (trunked
and T99 modes only).
*GROUP* Group Call Indicates a group call is in progress and is displayed on line 1 of the display
(trunked and T99 modes only).
SPKR ON External Speaker ON Displayed when the external speaker is enabled.
SPKR OFF External Speaker OFF Displayed when the external speaker is disabled.
BANK=1-8 The bank of keys that are going to be loaded when the keyloader loads encryption
keys. This is only valid for radios that support VGS, VGE, or DES encryption. It is
displayed on line 2 of the display when the encryption keyloader is connected.
REGR_0x Dynamic Regroup Indicates which group in the dynamic regroup operation has been enabled, where
“x” is a digit of 1 to 8 (trunked mode only).
KEY LOAD Displayed on line 1 of the display when the encryption keyloader is connected.
KEY ZERO Displayed on line 2 of the display when the reset and option buttons are pressed
simultaneously for approximately two seconds. The encryption keys are zeroed.
SYS KEY System Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display key mode of the menu. It is
followed in the second line with a key number “KEY = <1..7>”.
GRP KEY Group Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display key mode of the menu for trunked
systems only. It is followed in the second line with a key number “KEY = <1..7>.”
CHN KEY Channel Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display key mode of the menu for
conventional systems only. It is followed in the second line with a key number
“KEY = <1..7>.”
KEY=1-7 Displayed on line 2 of the display in the display key mode of the menu for
conventional systems when the “SYS KEY” or “CHN KEY” is displayed in line 1
and for trunked systems when the “SYS KEY” or “GRP KEY” is displayed in line
PRIMARY Displayed on line 1 of the display when the primary keys are enabled.
PRS NAME Personality Name Displayed on line 1 of the display under the revision selection of the menu. The
personality name is displayed on line 2 at the same time.
M/A-COM Displayed on line 1 of the display under the revision selection of the menu. The
copyright year is shown in line 2 of display at the same time “(c) 2004.”