12.7.2 Call Storage Lists
There are two lists available for call storage in the radio, the calls received list (1-10) and the
personality list (1-99 as defined by the user). When the individual call mode is entered by pressing
i, the calls received list is available. The user can toggle to the personality list by selecting
any key other than d or toggle between the two lists by pressing the i key. If wrap is
enabled, the calls received list wraps on itself and not into the other list.
The saved call list shows all ten storage locations. if no calls have been received, the saved call list
will be empty and the pre-stored list will be available upon entering the individual call mode.
When in the saved call list, pressing m toggles the time stamp ON and OFF. The time stamp
indicates how long ago the call was received. The display indicates this information as
HH:MM:SS where HH = hours, MM = minutes and SS = seconds.
When in the pre-stored list, pressing m toggles the Logical IDentification (LID) ON and OFF.
12.7.3 Sending An Individual Call
The following procedures describe how to initiate and complete an individual call.
1. To select a previously stored individual, select the I-Call mode from the menu or press i
followed by the RAMP control , or . to scroll through the list of stored individuals.
The selection mode rules apply. While in the individual call list, the menu key will toggle the
display between the call name and the unit ID number. If the individual is not stored in this
list but the individual's unit ID is known, it can be entered directly from the keypad.
2. Press the PTT button; the radio performs the necessary signaling to obtain a communication
channel. When the signaling is complete and the radio is clear to transmit, TX indicator turns
ON and the channel access tone sounds. Line 1 shows the called individual's name if found in
the list of stored individuals or ID followed by the logical ID number of the unit being called.
The message *INDV* displays on line 2. Proceed with the message.
12.8 SCAT OPERATION A SCATâ„¢ (Single Channel Autonomous Trunking) System operates with the same set of features as a
standard EDACS system. The only significant user change relates to the BSY indicator. Since only one
channel, operating as both control and working channel, exists in a SCAT System, the BSY indicator will
be ON when the SCAT channel is in the working channel mode. When the transmission on the channel is
completed, the indicator turns OFF and indicates the return of SCAT control channel signaling.