Displaying disc titles

Youcan display the title of any disc that has
hada disc title entered.
PressDISPLAY repeatedly to switch between
thefollowing settings:
PlaytimeDisc Title (disc title)
Whenyou select Disc Title, the title of the cur-
rentlyplaying disc is shown in the display.
#Ifno title has been entered for the currently
playingdisc, NO Title is displayed.

Selecting discs from the disc

title list

Disctitle list lets you see the list of disc titles
thathave been entered into the multi-CD
playerand select one of them to playback.
1 PressFUNCTION to select disc title list.
PressFUNCTION until disc title appears in the
2 Presscor dto scroll through the list of
titlesthat have been entered.
#Ifno title has been entered for a disc,
NOD-TITLE will be displayed.
3 Pressato play your favorite CD title.
Thatselection will begin to play.
Using CD TEXT functions
Youcan use these functions only with a CD
TEXTcompatible multi-CD player.
Somediscs have certain information encoded
onthe disc during manufacture. These discs
maycontain such information as the CD title,
tracktitle, artists name and playback time
andare called CD TEXT discs. Only these spe-
ciallyencoded CD TEXT discs support the
functionslisted below.

Displaying titles on CD TEXT discs

PressDISPLAY repeatedly to switch between
thefollowing settings:
PlaytimeDisc Title (disc title)
DiscArtist Name (disc artist name)
TrackTitle (track title)TrackArtist Name
(trackartist name)
#Ifspecific information has not been recorded
ona CD TEXT disc, NO XXXX will be displayed
(e.g.,NO Track Title).

Scrollingtitles in the display

Thisunit can display the first 16 letters onlyof
DiscTitle,Disc Artist Name,Track Title and
TrackArtistName. When the recorded infor-
mationis longer than 16 letters, you can scroll
thetext to the left so that the rest of the title
canbe seen.
%PressDISPLAY and hold until the title
beginsto scroll to the left.
Therest of the title will appear in the dis-
Using compression andbass emphasis
Youcan use these functions only with a multi-
CDplayer that supports them.
UsingCOMP (compression) and DBE (dy-
namicbass emphasis) functions let you adjust
thesound playback quality of the multi-CD
player.Each of the functions have a two-step
adjustment.The COMP function balances the
outputof louder and softer sounds at higher
volumes.DBE boosts bass levels to give play-
Multi-CD Player