Adjusting loudness
Loudnesscompensates for deficiencies in the
low-and high-sound ranges at low volume.
1 PressAUDIO to select Loud.
PressAUDIO until Loud appears in the dis-
2 Pressato turn loudness on.
Loudnesslevel (e.g., Loud Mid) appears in the
3 Presscor dto select a desired level.
Eachpress of cor dselects level in the fol-
Low(low)Mid (mid)Hi (high)
4 Pressbto turn loudness off.
LoudOFF appears in the display.
Using subwoofer output
Thisunit is equipped with a subwoofer output
whichcan be turned on or off.
1 PressAUDIO to select Sub-W1.
PressAUDIO until Sub-W1 appears in the dis-
#Whenthe subwoofer controller setting is
PREOUT:FULL, you cannot select Sub-W1.
2 Pressato turn subwoofer output on.
Sub-W1Normal appears in the display. Sub-
wooferoutput is now on.
#Toturn subwoofer output off, press b.
3 Presscor dto select the phase of sub-
Presscto select reverse phase and Rev. ap-
pearsin the display. Press dto select normal
phaseand Normal appears in the display.

Adjusting subwoofer settings

Whenthe subwoofer output is on,you can ad-
justthe cut-off frequency and the output level
ofthe subwoofer.
1 PressAUDIO to select Sub-W2.
PressAUDIO until Sub-W2 appears in the dis-
#Whenthe subwoofer output is on, you can se-
2 Presscor dto select cut-off frequency.
Eachpress of cor dselects cut-off frequen-
ciesin the following order:
Onlyfrequencies lower than those in the se-
lectedrange are output from the subwoofer.
3 Pressaor bto adjust the output level
ofthe subwoofer.
Eachpress of aor bincreases or decreases
thelevel of the subwoofer. +6 6is displayed
asthe level is increased or decreased.
Using non fading output
Whenthe non fading output settingis on, the
audiosignal does not pass through this units
lowpass filter (for the subwoofer), but is out-
putthrough the RCA output.
1 PressAUDIO to select non fading out-
puton/off setting.
PressAUDIO until NonFad ON appears in the
#Whenthe subwoofer controller setting is only
PREOUT:FULL, you can switch to the non fading
outputon/off setting. (Refer to page 33.)
2 Pressato turn non fading output on.
NonFadON appears in the display. Non fad-
ingoutput is now on.
#Toturn non fading output off, press b.
Audio Adjustments