READ INSTRUCTIONS — All the safety and operating | GROUNDING OR POLARIZATION | | OBJECT AND LIQUID ENTRY — Never push objects of |
instructions should be read before the product is | Ö If this product is equipped with a polarized alternating | | any kind into this product through openings as they |
operated. | current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than | | may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out |
RETAIN INSTRUCTIONS — The safety and operating | the other), it will fit into the outlet only one way. This | | parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. |
instructions should be retained for future reference. | is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug | | Never spill liquid of any kind on the product. |
HEED WARNINGS — All warnings on the product and | fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug | | SERVICING — Do not attempt to service this product |
in the operating instructions should be adhered to. | should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to | | yourself as opening or removing covers may expose |
FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS — All operating and use | replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the | | you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all |
instructions should be followed. | safety purpose of the polarized plug. | | servicing to qualified service personnel. |
CLEANING — Unplug this product from the wall outlet | Ö If this product is equipped with a three-wire | | DAMAGE REQUIRING SERVICE — Unplug this product |
before cleaning. The product should be cleaned only | grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) | | from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified |
with a polishing cloth or a soft dry cloth. Never clean | pin, it will only fit into a grounding type power outlet. | | service personnel under the following conditions: |
with furniture wax, benzine, insecticides or other | This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the | | Ö When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged. |
volatile liquids since they may corrode the cabinet. | plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to | | Ö If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into |
ATTACHMENTS — Do not use attachments not | replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the | | the product. |
recommended by the product manufacturer as they | safety purpose of the grounding type plug. | | Ö If the product has been exposed to rain or water. |
may cause hazards. | POWER-CORD PROTECTION — Power-supply cords | | Ö If the product does not operate normally by following |
WATER AND MOISTURE — Do not use this product | should be routed so that they are not likely to be | | the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls |
near water — for example, near a bathtub, wash | walked on or pinched by items placed upon or | | that are covered by the operating instructions as an |
bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub; in a wet basement; | against them, paying particular attention to cords at | | improper adjustment of other controls may result in |
or near a swimming pool; and the like. | plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where | | damage and will often require extensive work by a |
ACCESSORIES — Do not place this product on an | they exit from the product. | | qualified technician to restore the product to its |
unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table. The | OUTDOOR ANTENNA GROUNDING — If an outside | | normal operation. |
product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or | antenna or cable system is connected to the product, | | Ö If the product has been dropped or damaged in any |
adult, and serious damage to the product. Use only | be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so | | way. |
with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table | as to provide some protection against voltage surges | | Ö When the product exhibits a distinct change in |
recommended by the manufacturer, or sold with | and built-up static charges. Article 810 of the National | | performance — this indicates a need for service. |
the product. Any mounting of the product should | Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, provides information | | REPLACEMENT PARTS — When replacement parts |
follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should | with regard to proper grounding of the mast and | | are required, be sure the service technician has used |
use a mounting accessory recommended by the | supporting structure, grounding of the lead-in wire | | replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or |
manufacturer. | to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding | | have the same characteristics as the original part. |
CART — A product and cart combination should be | conductors, location of antenna-discharge unit, | | Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric |
moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and | connection to grounding electrodes, and | | shock, or other hazards. |
uneven surfaces may cause the product and cart | requirements for the grounding electrode. See Figure | | SAFETY CHECK — Upon completion of any service or |
combination to overturn. | A. | | repairs to this product, ask the service technician to |
| LIGHTNING — For added protection for this product | | perform safety checks to determine that the product |
| during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended | | is in proper operating condition. |
| and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from | | WALL OR CEILING MOUNTING — The product should |
| the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable | | not be mounted to a wall or ceiling. |
| system. This will prevent damage to the product | | HEAT — The product should be situated away from heat |
| due to lightning and power-line surges. | | sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or |
| POWER LINES — An outside antenna system should | | other products (including amplifiers) that produce |
| not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines | | heat. |
| or other electric light or power circuits, or where it | | |
VENTILATION — Slots and openings in the cabinet are | can fall into such power lines or circuits. When | | |
installing an outside antenna system, extreme care | | |
provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable | | |
should be taken to keep from touching such power | | |
operation of the product and to protect it from | | |
lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal. | | |
overheating, and these openings must not be | | |
OVERLOADING — Do not overload wall outlets, | | ANTENNA |
blocked or covered. The openings should never be | |
extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles | |
blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, | | LEAD IN |
as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock. | |
or other similar surface. This product should not be | | WIRE |
| |
placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or | | | |
rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the | | GROUND | |
manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to. | | CLAMP | ANTENNA |
POWER SOURCES — This product should be operated | | |
only from the type of power source indicated on the | | |
| | (NEC SECTION 810-20) |
marking label. If you are not sure of the type of | | |
| | |
power supply to your home, consult your product | ELECTRIC | | |
dealer or local power company. | | GROUNDING CONDUCTORS |
LOCATION – The appliance should be installed in a | SERVICE | |
stable location. | EQUIPMENT | | (NEC SECTION 810-21) |
NONUSE PERIODS – The power cord of the appliance | | | |
should be unplugged from the outlet when left un- | | | GROUND CLAMPS |
used for a long period of time. | | |
| Fig. A | |
| | |
| | | (NEC ART 250, PART H) |