Pioneer S-DV353 掃描檔案, 利用 「導覽器」瀏覽檔案, 播放期間,按下, 按下 Menu,然後使用, 要播放反白的曲目或顯示反白的 Jpeg 檔 案,請按下 ENTER。

Models: HTZ353DVD S-DV353 S-DV1SW S-DV555T

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05 USB 播放















可顯示 「導覽器」畫面 (如下







或 。










利用 「導覽器」瀏覽檔案

連續按以增加掃描速度 (如屏幕上所示)。





使用 「導覽器」按名稱搜尋 WMAMP3











MPEG-4 AAC JPEG 檔案或資料夾。

播放 JPEG 幻燈片秀

按下 可開始從第一個資料夾/圖片開始幻燈 片展示。2 每個資料夾中的圖片會依序顯示。

若該裝置內含有 WMA/MP3/MPEG-4 AAC檔案,

則幻燈片展示及音頻檔案會不斷重複播放。 音頻播放期間,您仍然可以使用跳過(

/ )、掃描( / )及暫停( ) 等各項功能。



按鍵 按鍵功能

可暫停幻燈片展示 (或音頻)的 播放,再按時可再度開始播放。

可跳至前一張圖片 (或音頻檔案 的音頻播放)。

可跳至下一張圖片 (或音頻檔案 的音頻播放)。

可暫停幻燈片展示並旋轉/翻轉 目前的圖片 (按下 可重新開 始幻燈片展示)。

ZOOM 可暫停幻燈片秀的播放,並將圖 片放大。再按時可切換 1 倍、2 倍及 4 倍的放大倍數 (按下 (播放)鍵以再度開始播放幻燈 片秀)。

1 按下 MENU,然後使用

ENTER 進行導覽。


使用 上/下移動資料夾/檔案清單。 使用 以回到根資料夾。4

使用 ENTER 或 可開啟一反白的資料夾。

當反白JPEG檔案,便有一縮圖影像顯示在螢 幕右側。

2要播放反白的曲目或顯示反白的 JPEG 檔 案,請按下 ENTER

當已選取 WMA/MP3/MPEG-4 AAC 檔案,則會自 該檔案開始播放到整個資料夾結束為止。

當選取了 JPEG 檔案,幻燈片秀即會開始,並 從所選檔案開始播放,一直到整個資料夾播 放完為止。


在聆聽WMA/MP3/MPEG-4 AAC的播放時,也可 以同時播放 JPEG 幻燈片展示。只須選取想 要聆聽的音頻檔案,再選取想要播放幻燈片 展示的 JPEG 檔案即可。此時幻燈片展示及 音頻檔案會同時不斷重複播放。各項播放控 制僅適用於 JPEG 幻燈片展示。

欲播放的不僅是目前的資料夾而是全部的 內容時,請退出 「導覽器」並使用 (播 放)按鍵。


1 如為 WMA/MP3/MPEG-4 AAC 曲目,則會自動從該曲目的最終或最前位置自動恢復播放。

2 ‧ 本機將一份檔案載入的時間會隨著檔案容量愈大而增加。

USB 裝置可容納多達 299 個資料夾,以及 648 個合併的資料夾及檔案。 3 有些數位音頻播放機在顯示檔案名稱時可能會不正確。

4 您也可以進入最上層的 「..」資料夾,然後按下 ENTER 來完成此項動作。



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Pioneer S-DV353, S-DV555T, S-DV1SW, HTZ353DVD 掃描檔案, 利用 「導覽器」瀏覽檔案, 播放期間,按下, 按下 Menu,然後使用, 要播放反白的曲目或顯示反白的 Jpeg 檔 案,請按下 ENTER。

HTZ353DVD, S-DV353, S-DV1SW, S-DV555T specifications

Pioneer has long been a dominant force in the world of audio and video technology, offering a range of products that appeal to audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Among their notable offerings are the Pioneer S-DV555T, S-DV1SW, S-DV353, and HTZ353DVD, each designed to elevate the home entertainment experience through innovative features and advanced technologies.

The Pioneer S-DV555T is a compact, high-quality audio system that combines a DVD player with a powerful audio receiver. Its design focuses on minimizing distortion while maximizing sound clarity. The built-in Dolby Digital processing creates an immersive audio experience ideal for both movies and music. This system also supports MP3, WMA, and JPEG formats, enabling users to enjoy a variety of media. Its sleek design allows it to fit seamlessly into any home decor while delivering impressive sound performance.

Next is the Pioneer S-DV1SW, a subwoofer that enhances the overall audio experience by providing deep, rich bass. This compact subwoofer is designed to complement a surround sound system by delivering low-frequency sounds that elevate the overall depth and impact of audio playback. With its adjustable crossover frequency and phase control, the S-DV1SW offers users the ability to tailor the sound to their specific preferences and room acoustics, ensuring a personalized audio experience.

The Pioneer S-DV353, a 5.1 channel home theater system, is perfect for those seeking an immersive cinematic experience at home. This system features an easy setup process, allowing users to connect various devices effortlessly. Its high-efficiency speaker system delivers clear dialogue and powerful sound effects, ensuring an engaging movie-watching experience. With multiple input options, including HDMI, digital optical, and analog, the S-DV353 provides versatility for connecting gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and more.

Lastly, the HTZ353DVD combines the capabilities of a DVD player with a robust surround sound system. Its built-in Bluetooth technology allows for wireless music streaming from smart devices, while USB connectivity enables playback of various media formats. Additionally, the HTZ353DVD features an Auto Sound Calibration function that adjusts speaker levels and distances to achieve optimal sound in any room configuration.

Overall, the Pioneer S-DV555T, S-DV1SW, S-DV353, and HTZ353DVD demonstrate the brand's commitment to quality, reliability, and user-friendly features in home entertainment systems, making them valuable additions to any audiophile's setup.