DNS Relay
The DNS Configuration allows the user to set the configuration of DNS.
DNS Rely Selection: If user wants to disable this feature, he just needs to set both Primary & Secondary DNS to Using DNS relay, users can setup DNS server IP to on their computer. If not, device will perform as NO DNS relay.
If you don’t want to use the DNS Relay option, set the DNS relay to “Use User Discovered DNS Server Only” and set both Primary and Secondary DNS Servers to
3.8 Wireless Configuration
3.8.1 Wireless Configuration
Go to Interface
SSID: The SSID is a unique name to identify the ADSL Router in the Wireless LAN. Wireless Clients associating to the ADSL Router must have the same SSID. Broadcast SSID: Select No to hide the SSID such that a station can not obtain the SSID through passive scanning. Select Yes to make the SSID visible so a station can obtain in the SSID through Passive scanning.
Channel ID: The range of radio frequencies used by IEEE 802.11b/g wireless devices us called a channel.