IP Filter Set Index: The IP Filter Set Index from 1 to 12 and each index can set up to 6 IP Filter.

Interface: Choices from PVC0 to PVC7 and LAN.

Direction: Choices are Both, Incoming and Outgoing. Select which direction of data flow you wish to apply the filters to. Note that Incoming and Outgoing are from the point of view of your router, relative to the interface you select. For WAN, data coming from outside your system is considered Incoming and data leaving your system is Outgoing. For LAN, data leaving your system is considered Incoming and data entering your system is Outgoing.

IP Filter Rule Editing: Select the IP Filter Rule Index you wish to modify.

Active: Toggle this rule index on or off with Yes or No, respectively.

Source IP Address: Enter the source IP address you wish to deny access to your system.

Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask of the source IP address.

Port Number: Enter the port number of the source IP address. Note that 0 means all that ports are allowed.

Destination IP Address: Enter the destination IP address that you wish to deny access to your system.

Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask of the destination IP address

Port Number: Enter the port number of the destination IP address. Note that 0 means that all ports are allowed

Protocol: Select the protocol to filter. Choices are TCP, UDP, and ICMP.

Rule Unmatched: Choices are Forward and Next. Select what happens to the data in question if the rule you are currently editing is unmatched. Next means that the data is then compared to the next IP filter rule. Forward means that the data will be allowed into your system. Note that a Forward rule should be the last rule, as no data will be compared to rules after a Forward rule.

IP Filter Set Index: Select the IP filter set you wish to view.