Internet Camera User Guide

use this option, you have to add users in the database below.


Select “Send E-mail Alert when Motion Detected” and enter the relevant information such as Receiver e-mail Address, Sender e-mail Address, Subject of the mail, SMTP server address, and authentication information if needed.

MMotion Detection can be activated by rapid changes of light, as well as by moving object. For this reason, it should be used indoor and the light is fairly

Note constant.

Send to:

Enter the receiver e-mail address in the field.

Show “From” as:

Enter the sender e-mail address in the field. This field must be entered with a valid e-mail format.


Enter the subject of outgoing mail.

Outgoing Mail SMTP Server:

Enter the address of SMTP server used to send the mail. Please ensure the server is using SMTP protocol and able to relay mails for you. Some SMTP server may require authentication. You can select “My Mail Server Requires Authentication”, and enter the Account Name and Password fields below for authentication.


The Status screen displays the detailed information of ICA-101 series, includingg Device Name, Description, MAC Address, IP Address, Network Mask, Gateway IP, F/W version, and Current Viewers.