Figure 5.3.4. The Application Tab

5.4. Camera Configuration

Users can hit the button shown in Figure 5.4 to configure the specified camera. The configuration guide is not included in the document. Please read the documentation of the camera.

Figure 5.4.

5.5. Recording

There are three methods to start recording. The first is to press the toggle button as shown in Figure 5.5-1 to start recording for the camera specified by the selector combo box on the right-top side of the panel. To stop recording, hit the button again.

The second method is to use buttons described in section 5.2.8. You may select a camera by hitting the button with camera number as shown in Figure 5.5-2 and then press the corresponding button at the second line to record. The button is shown as in Figure 5.5-3. After hitting the button, it will light up as shown in Figure 5.5-4 to indicate the specified camera is recording. To stop recording is similar to the previous steps, press the lighten-up button can stop the video recording.

The last method to record video is done by scheduling. Please setup the schedule recording tasks as described in section 5.3.3. When the time is up, the program will start to record.