Maximum duration of incoming registration/subscriptions we allow.


Max Registration Time


Default 3600 seconds.










Min Registration Time


Minimum duration of registrations/subscriptions. Default 60























Default duration (in seconds) of incoming / outgoing registration.


Registration Time









Min RoundtripTime


Minimum roundtrip time for messages to monitored hosts, Defaults



(T1 Time)


to 200 ms










Set default language for all users.






Enable Relaxed DTMF


Use relaxed DTMF detection. Default is Disable.








Server UserAgent


Enable you to change the trunk User agent string, Default is PBX.








Set default DTMF mode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833.









Table 3-1. SIP configuration description

¾SIP Codecs

The Codec is used to compress the voice signal into data packets. Each Codec has different bandwidth requirement. There are 7 kinds of codec. To determine the priority, selects one codec algorithm from the pull-down menus individually.

Figure 3-2. SIP codecs settings

¾Outbound SIP Registrations

Figure 3-3. Outbound SIP Registrations settings