Time Zone


Choose your time zone, Default is (GMT+8:00) Beijing,




Singapore, Taipei.








Enable / Disable. Default is Disabling, time during which clocks


Daylight Saving

are set one hour ahead of local standard time; widely adopted



during summer to provide extra daylight in the evenings.






NTP Update Interval


Default is 24 hours; This is used to select the frequency of. NTP
















NTP Server 1


Default is “pool.ntp.org”, NTP Server address.






NTP Server 2


Default is empty.









Table 5-3. Date/Time-NTP time description

Ping Test

This useful diagnostic utility can be used to check if a computer is on the Internet. It sends ping packets and listens for replies from the specific host. Enter in a host name or the IP address that you want to ping (Packet Internet Groper) and click Ping. Example: www.yahoo.com or

Figure 5-4. Ping test settings

Ping Destination

Assign a legal IP address.

Table 5-4. Ping test description

Save & Restore

All settings can be saving to a local file. Pervious device configuration can also be restored by upload a local file back to the device.

Figure 5-5. Save/Restore settings