Register TimeOut | Retry registration calls at every 'x' seconds (default 20). |
Number of registration attempts before we give up; 0 = continue forever.
The externip, externhost and localnet settings are used if you use IP PBX behind a NAT device to communicate with services on the outside.
| Extern IP |
| Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP messages if we're |
| behind a NAT. | |
| |
| Alternatively you can specify an external host, and IP PBX will perform |
| Extern Host |
| DNS queries periodically. Not recommended for production |
| environments! Use externip instead. |
| Extern Refresh |
| How often to refresh externhost if used. You may specify a local network |
| in the field below. | |
localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local
| networks |
| |
Local Network |
| ||
localnet= | ; Also RFC1918 | ||
Address | |||
localnet= | ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation | ||
localnet=; Zero conf local network