3.3.2 Log
This screen will show you a running log of system statistics, events and activities. The log displays up to 200 entries. Older entries are overwritten by new entries. You can save logs via the Log Settings option
First Page: View the first page of the log message list.
Last Page: View the last page of the log message list.
Previous Page: View the page just before the current page.
Next Page: View the page just after the current page.
Clear Log: Delete the contents of the log and begin a new log.
Refresh: Renew log statistics.
Time: Displays the time and date that the log entry was created.
Message: Displays summary information about the log entry.
Source: Displays the source of the communication.
Destination: Displays the destination of the communication.
Note: Displays the IP address of the communication.
3.3.3 Log Settings
This screen allows you to set
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