| Symptom | Problem | Solution |
| I cannot switch on my | The SD card is not | Make sure the SD card is inserted |
| PDC 3080 Camera after | inserted all the way in | all the way in and close the slot |
| inserting a SD card. | or card slot door is not | door properly. |
| closed properly. |
| I press the shutter button | The PDC 3080 camera is | Wait for this process to complete. |
| but no response. | processing data. | Or |
| Or | Delete some images in the |
| The internal memory or | internal memory of the camera or |
| SD card memory is full. | in the SD card. |
| I get a blurred image when | There may be a | Hold your PDC 3080 camera |
| uploading my images to my | momentary delay | steadily until you hear a “beep” |
| computer. | between pressing the | which indicates the exposure is |
| shutter button and the | completed. |
| actual exposure. |
| The battery indicator icon | This means there is | You need to change the new |
| on the 1.5” LCD screen | insufficient power. | batteries. |
| will go blank. |
| My image quality is grainy. | You may have selected | Using the different frequency |
| the wrong camera | setting. |
| frequency setting. | Pal for 50 Hz |
| NTSC for 60 Hz |
| My CD installation wizard | The auto installation file | Go to the computer desktop, |
| does not work. | is switched to off. | Right click on “My Computer”. |
| Or | Click “Properties”. Select “Device |
| The CD ROM is | Manager”. Double click on “CD- |
| disconnected. | ROM”, double click on |
| (Normally the manufacturer’s |
| name). Click on " Setting “. |
| Ensure "Auto insert notification |
| " is ticked and the " disconnect |
| " is ticked. If you change the |
| settings the computer will ask |
| you to restart your PC. Click " |
| Yes " (Only for Windows® 98SE |
| & Me user). |
78 | Polaroid PDC 3080 Digital Camera User Guide |