Symptom | Problem | Solution |
Color of the playback pictures is | Sunlight or light from another source | Position the camera so that sunlight |
different from the picture on the | is shining directly into the lens during | does not shine directly onto the lens. |
LCD screen during recording. | recording. |
Pictures are not displayed. | A memory card with | This camera cannot display |
| pictures recorded with another | pictures recorded onto a memory card |
| camera is loaded in the camera. | used by another digital camera. |
I cannot erase pictures. | All the pictures in memory are | Unprotected the pictures you want |
| protected. | to delete. |
AVI file cannot be played. | DirectX version is lower than 9.0. | Install directx 9.0 or above. |
| Or | Visit http://www.microsoft.com/directx |
| Windows Media player not installed | for more detail. |
| in the computer | Or |
| Please go to http://www.microsoft.com/ |
| windows/windowsmedia/players.aspx |
| to download the Windows Media Player |
| to play the video clips. |
The camera is detected by the | The removable disk crashes with the | Disconnect the crashed network drive |
Windows and works properly. | network drives. | and reserve this drive letter for the |
But a driver letter of the |
| camera. |
Removable disk is not created. |
Please also refer to the help files & User Guides that accompany the enclosed applications.
For further information and support, please visit our website:
68 | Polaroid PDC 4355 Digital Camera User Guide |