48EZ -- A
Servicing Systems on Roofs and with Synthetic materials
POE (polyolester) compressor lubricants are known to cause long term damage to some synthetic roofing materials.
Exposure, even if immediately cleaned up, may cause embrittlement (leading to cracking) to occur in one year or more. When performing any service that may risk exposure of compressor oil to the roof, take appropriate precautions to protect roofing. Procedures which risk oil leakage include, but are not limited to, compressor replacement, repairing refrigerant leaks, replacing refrigerant components such as filter drier, pressure switch, metering device, coil, accumulator, or reversing valve.
Synthetic Roof Precautionary Procedure
1.Cover extended roof working area with an impermeable polyethylene (plastic) drip cloth or tarp. Cover an approximate 10x10 ft (3x3 m) area.
2.Cover area in front of the unit service panel with a terry cloth shop towel to absorb lubricant spills and prevent
3.Place terry cloth shop towel inside unit immediately under component(s) to be serviced and prevent lubricant
4.Perform required service.
5.Remove and dispose of any oil contaminated material per local codes.
Liquid Line Filter Drier
This filter drier is specifically designed to operate with Puron. Use only
Puron (R-410A) Refrigerant Charging
Refer to unit information plate and charging chart. Some
Use the Troubleshooting Guides (See Tables
SPuron refrigerant operates at
SPuron refrigerant cylinders are rose colored.
SRecovery cylinder service pressure rating must be 400 psig, DOT 4BA400 or DOT BW400.
SPuron systems should be charged with liquid refrigerant. Use a commercial type metering device in the manifold hose when charging into suction line with compressor operating
SManifold sets should be minimum 700 psig high side and 180 psig low side with 550 psig
S Leak detectors should be designed to detect HFC refrigerant. S Puron, as with other HFCs, is only compatible with POE oils. S Vacuum pumps will not remove moisture from oil.
S Do not use
S Do not install a
S POE oils absorb moisture rapidly. Do not expose oil to atmosphere. S POE oils may cause damage to certain plastics and roofing materials. S Wrap all filter driers and service valves with wet cloth when brazing. S A factory approved
S Do NOT use an
S Never open system to atmosphere while it is under a vacuum.
S When system must be opened for service, recover refrigerant, evacuate then break vacuum with dry nitrogen and replace filter driers. Evacuate to 500 microns prior to recharging.
S Do not vent Puron into the atmosphere.
S Observe all warnings, cautions, and bold text.
S All indoor coils must be installed with a hard shutoff Puron TXV metering device.